If you follow history, you know that the Aztecs, like many Indians worshipped the sun. It’s only natural to see Aztec sun tattoos surrounding the sun. This tattoo is one that can be proudly displayed by both males and females alike, with no offending images of any kind. It is a design that one can display at any place where tattoos are allowed – of course, you want to be mindful of regulations at work when you have your Aztec sun tattoo made. It’s important to take all of those things into consideration, including the size and placement of your tattoo before you make the final decision. This is more important for women since men can hide tattoos in more places than women can, but it is not just a female issue by any means.
Like many other tattoos, Aztec sun tattoos have several different designs from which you can choose. Within those designs are both different sizes and variations of the main component of the design. That doesn’t mean there are not others available, and you may of course find others that you like better than the ones your tattooist has at his shop. If that’s the case, browse online, find the one you like, download it, print it, and take it to your tattooist. When you do, keep in mind the size you want so that he will be able to work with what you have. In most cases, the pictures online will give you the size of the tattoo, so if you have a specific size in mind, you know which ones will work.
Aztec sun tattoos are great additions for either sun worshippers or those who enjoy Indian culture. They are appropriate for both males and females and tell a little history along with being a welcome addition to other tattoos or your or the first one. Take the time to see which design you like most because this design tends to show itself in a different light with each pose, with some looking more like the encryptions on a totem pole than others look.