Eagle Tattoos
What more can you ask for than to get an
eagle tattoo? Tattooing is one of the
oldest art forms created by human
beings. Initially tattooing was not considered only an art, but a form
rebellion. People attached a magical or mystical significance to it, as
used tattoos to symbolize the fertility of earth and women, the
sacredness of
chieftainship, preservation of life after death and several other
beliefs. In modern times, technically, tattooing is micro-pigment
It can be done on human and animal skin. Tattoos on animals are
commonly used
for identification, while on humans it is a type of body modification.
tattooing is practiced worldwide, despite certain cultural taboo. In
many parts
of the world, tattooing is either done for good luck or good health.
This is where the eagle tattoo comes to play. People see the Eagle as a
majestic bird and powerful, they then want to get the eagle tattoo put
on their body to show strength.
There are numerous
eagle tattoo designs to choose from. Animal
tattoo designs are especially popular and a number of tattoo galleries
all over
the world devote a major part of their selection to animals. The body
art could
be sported as a visual depiction of animal protection and rights or as
personal testimony of spiritual or religious belief and conviction.
birds, eagle tattoo designs are very popular. Eagles within the Celtic
tribal tattoos are very popular among bikers, patriots, extremists and
environmentalists. The presence of the eagle symbolizes freedom,
potency and
illumination. It indicates might and spiritual growth. This particular
tattoo design is known to span over the continents such as the
influence of
eagles in American tattooing cannot be ignored. Several patriotic and
service tattoos prominently feature eagles. It is an ancient symbol,
with the solar power. The eagle was sacred to the sun, according to the
Persians and Greeks. People in Egypt
used to worship eagles. The Greeks regarded it as the sacred symbol of
Zeus and
of the supreme god, by the Druids.
Since the dawn of the
art, people have marked themselves
with the signs of their chosen totem animals. On the surface, they seem
to be
trying to imbibe the abilities and strength of these animals, within
the clan.
On a mystical level, totem animals represent a mystical relationship
with the
spirit of the animal. The dragon, eagle and tiger tattoos fall into
category. The Eagle is usually sported as armbands, on the lower back,
shoulders and chest. There are a number of elegant eagle tattoo designs
available online. The presence of the eagle design does not necessarily
indicate that the person has a particular cultural lineage connected
with the
bird. Recently the eagle has become a fashion statement with the youth
of America
and is becoming a very popular piece of body art.
the 4th of July an
eagle tattoo
would be a perfect tattoo to get. Eagles are amazing birds that show
strength and honor and is a symbol for the USA. The 4th of July is a
huge holiday in the United States and the eagle is a representation of
are some Eagle
Tattoo designs that I have found that I believe are great depictions of
a good eagle tattoo.

all have great
colors that are bold and stand out just as an eagle should. Eagles
represent America and is the reason why many patriotic people get an
eagle with an American flag in some sort. There are many different ways
of adding the flag as with the second picture the US flag is colored in
with the eagle's head. My favorite design is the one below
where it almost looks 3D and stand out. Its the bold colors and very
fine lines the tattoo artist used to get that affect and in my opinion
makes for one of the best eagle tattoos I have found. This tattoo can
be found on this tattoo site.