Tattoo Designs and Tattoo Pictures
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Firefighter Tattoos Are More Than Just Honorary Badges
The firefighter tattoos is like an honorary badge for firefighters. It symbolizes the bravery and courage of the firefighters who risk their life for others. The firefighter tattoo, in its oldest form is usually a portrait of the firefighter themselves, usually emerging from the flame.
And drawing a firefighter tattoo is not child's play. Because of the amount of details and it is particularly hard to make the flames look "real", therefore you have to choose your artist carefully and be sure that they have enough experience to ensure that your firefighter tattoo turn out as great as it can be.
Firefighters themselves usually get a tattoo to display to others that they are proud of their job. And usually, they will get a tattoo design with their company number and logo on it to represent that they are from a particular station. It is also to honor their respective platoon or section.
There are also many out there who have gotten a firefighter tattoo to honor their heroic friends or a particular event when they were saved by these brave firefighters. One example is the September 11th tragedy. Many who were rescued by these courageous man and women to signify their bravery and courage.
If you are searching for firefighter tattoos designs, there is tons of it out there. But, I have to advice you again to choose carefully and wisely because it is not easy to draw and tattoo this particular design. If you want to learn more tips on how to choose a great tattoo design, you can check out this website on firefighter tattoos to learn more!
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Cool Girl Foot Tattoo Ideas
Girls like tattoos just as much as guys. While getting a tattoo might not seem very feminine, girls still are looking for cool tattoo ideas. Most girls will get their first tattoo on their foot. This is a place where the tattoo can be hidden easily. In the day of the internet, it is much easier to find tattoo ideas than ever before. Girls can find cool ideas just by searching the internet and looking through tattoo galleries.
So what kind of tattoo does a girl usually get on her foot? Most girls like star tattoos and tend to make them colorful. Getting a star tattoo is an easy design to come up with, but you have to be careful if you cannot handle pain well. Your foot will be in pain for a few days and wearing socks will be out of the question. If you add color, it will just add to the pain of the tattoo because it takes more to color in a large star.
Other cool girl foot tattoos include all kinds of flowers. A flower tattoo on the foot is popular among girls just because it is a feminine tattoo. This is a nice tattoo and looks girly and is easy to find a flower you would want to go with. Most tattoo shops can help you pick the perfect flower as the flower tattoo is one of the more common tattoos today. Just make sure you know the meaning of the flower you are getting as flower and colors have their own meanings.
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Friday, November 20, 2009
Tribal Lizard Tattoos
 If you like lizards or lizard tattoos then getting a tribal lizard design will be easy for you. When you decide what kind of tattoo you want, you need to know that it will be a life long decision. Researching the design you like is a major key to being satisfied with the end result. Not only does finding the right tribal lizard tattoo you want important but also finding the right tattoo artist to do the work on your body.
There is no better place to research for a lizard tattoo than on the internet. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then the next best place is to go to your nearest tattoo parlor and look through the hundreds of pictures of tattoos they have done over the years. You are bound to find some good examples of tribal lizard tattoos and can even see the type of work your tattoo artist will do.
Tribal tattoos are quite common but the uniqueness of the tattoo itself is endless. There are so many different tribal designs you can choose from and even modify to make it your own, that you will easily be able to have a unique design. The lizard tribal tattoo will most likely be in all black, as tribal designs usually do not add color. Having a black tribal tattoo is actually very common and nice looking, as the black ink will help your tattoo stand out.
Since the tribal lizard tattoo is going to be a big and bold tattoo, you will want to be sure you have done enough research that you will be happy with the design you have choosen.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cross Tattoo In Color
 Cross tattoos are a great tattoo design but some people have started to add their own personal touch to a design that was once a traditional tattoo. Most cross tattoos you see today are in a traditional design, usually black or brown. Now people have started adding color to their crosses. The cross is a great way to represent your religious belief and heritage.
The cross tattoo can be a very unique design since there are literally thousands of different types of crosses. There are celtic crosses, tribal crosses, standard crosses and even crosses that are made from nails, trees, flowers and the list can be endless. Some of the most popular design of cross tattoos are still the traditional Celtic cross. This type of design includes weaves and knots throughout the entire style. Since the Celtic cross tattoo is one of the most popular designs, you need to know that this traditional design is not usually in color. Black ink is the traditional style and looks great.
If you want a cross tattoo that is in color, it might be best to create your own design, not in the traditional Celtic cross design, but something in which color will look nice.
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